Katrina the boys and I went away for a few days. When we’re away I always like looking at how other accommodation providers do things. Most of the ideas at Bimbi Park are from guests’ suggestions and other accommodation places. At this particular motel, they didn’t have the little shampoo, conditioner, and soap bottles. They had soap pump packs in the shower and over the hand basin. What a great idea! No more little half-used plastic bottles lying around and going to landfill.
As soon as I got back to Bimbi Park I started collecting all the used bottles from the cabins to see how much is wasted. Out of 58 used bottles that I collected only 54% of the product was used. This means that 46% of the product, the bottle, the label, and the cap were going into landfill.
Therefore, each guest uses 10.8ml of shampoo, 10.8ml of conditioner, and 10.8ml of shower gel. A 15-litre tub of bulk product is the equivalent of 1388 little bottles, lids and labels.
We searched the internet for pump packs and found lots of them. We went with The Dispenser company as they had good quality lockable dispensers.
You can get non-lockable ones for home use.
In Australia we have 404 million visitor nights* spent in cabins, motels and hotels per year.
That is shocking to think how many of these half-used little bottles go to landfill.
* Source: Tourism Research Australia, National Visitor Survey Results June 2023