Bimbi Park Photos

Bimbi Park Photos – A Warm Welcome to Our Guest Photo Gallery

Welcome to the Bimbi Park Photos gallery, where we celebrate our amazing friends and family who’ve shared their special moments with us. We’re truly fortunate to host hundreds and hundreds of wonderful guests from all corners of the globe. This collection of Bimbi Park photos showcases the beauty of Cape Otway’s wildlife, the warmth of campfire gatherings, and the thrill of outdoor adventures. Every photo tells a story of the memories made here, and we cherish them as much as you do. Our guests bring Bimbi Park to life, making it a home away from home—for you and for us. Take a look and see why so many fall in love with this hidden gem along the Great Ocean Road!


Family Shots

Fun Shots

Camp Site Shots

Near By Attractions

Wildlife and Nature Shots